... one of my most anticipated games of my childhood. As with my previous installment of Presented in Retrovision, I will be discussing a game from the bLucasArts/b' selection of SCUMM titles. This week, I present. ... I was enjoying my summer bvacation/b with some friends that lived on the street, and causing mischief as most children our age did. At that time, I was more interested in friends and socializing than video games. I spent more time outside than I did vegetating in ...
Lara diva, nós do F? Clube Oficial, vamos estar na porta do bHotel/b no dia do casamento esperando pra pelomenos recebe um oizinho de ti *-* e nós também vamos mandar por pessoas que v?o estar no casamento, um video te desejando felicidades b...../b 2 de Setembro de 2009 22:13 ? **NEIDE bLUCATS/b** disse... Affffff vcs v?o começar denovo com esse papo de nome/ Já deu né gente, vamos crescer e virar o disco!!!! E quanto as perguntas de altura, manequim e tal, lá no site da agencia ...